The pandemic situation has brought changes to many people; from face-to-face meetings to video-based meetings, from shopping at retail stores to shopping online. It has revolutionalised to a new state of being, a new way by which everyday lives are affected.
In fact, let’s not look too far, but only at Singapore. Everywhere we go now, we have to make sure that we scan Safe Entry, ensure safe distances, and abide by safe management measures. In Singapore, more than 80% of the population* is now fully vaccinated to protect against the Covid-19 virus, which is one of the highest in the world. This is by no means, an easy feat.
Pensees has its Mission as “AI as a Service”. In ensuring that our facial recognition door access system, otherwise known as PESGuard deliver maximum benefits to its users, we have recently also integrated ‘Vaccination Display’ so that the vaccination status of faces scanned are shown instantly on our PESGuard. This means easy access for users of PESGuard at restaurants, gyms and other places which requires the checking of vaccination status, as the door access system integrated with ‘Safe Entry Gateway’ and ‘Vaccination Display’ lets in only people who are vaccinated, bringing lots of convenience to customers and the owners themselves, as queue lines are shortened with the passage crowd control.
The next time you visit a restaurant, gym or a special event, look out and see if it is a Pensees facial recognition door access system. Our facial recognition door access systems, PESGuard are and have been installed in almost 800 shops, factories, offices, and construction sites in Singapore. We would also like to thank our customers in putting their trust in us, to help make Singapore a safer place during such times, as we move towards a resilient Singapore living with Covid-19.
